Thursday 31 December 2015

New year's eve

I was reading a blog from a family member today as well as someone posted something on Facebook ( I think it was my mom) saying "Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." Both of these things inspired me to write something everyday for the whole year of 2016!! I always start these things super excited and ambitious and usually stop before I'm even half way through. I'm going to really try this time though because I'd love to read this next New Years and get to see how much really happens in a year. I'm having quite a nice day today. The sun is shining yet it's way to cold to go outside. Me and the kids bundled up and tried but I brought us back in after 5 minutes. Too cold!! It's -11. I'm super exhausted from being up most of the night because Robert wakes up every two hours to eat. He has been doing this for two months now. Maybe a miracle will take place tonight and it will end. Haha it would truly be a miracle. Him and Natalie did go to bed by 6pm though and we didn't get up till 6 am. And Kevin was gone and they both fell asleep easy and at the same time so that was amazing. I also just had a little cat nap with Robert asleep on me on the couch. Natalie was playing on her iPad and leaving us alone for once. I had a dream I went up to some Saint lady and as she was blessing me or whatever and I woke up because Natalie sneezed and the first thing that came to my mind was , bless you. Weird timing I thought but kinda of cool. Maybe it's a good omen for the coming new year. Also my kids usually never nap or relax during the day so this quiet is wonderful and peaceful. Robert is still asleep in my arms as I write this and Natalie has fallen asleep in the bed with her iPad and dinosaurs. Maybe it was the 5 minutes in the cold air that knocked them out ? Who knows but I have to wake them up soon to go pick up Kevin. This morning I lit some sparklers for New Years and we will prob light a couple more later then go to bed early. Natalie likes to hold the sparklers it's cute. Robert was also trying to grab them from her !! Well that's all I'll write until tomorrow goodbye 2015 !!!!

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