Friday 1 January 2016

New Year's Day

I was awake pretty much most of the night last night because of Robert so at midnight I was laying in bed and I could hear the fireworks going off. This year I plan to take care of myself better. I plan to not drink for the whole year. Eat as healthy as I can. Sleep and rest when I can ( I'm severely sleep deprived right now) and when my sleep and energy comes back I want to get more exercise. I want to stop thinking in my head so much and live more in the moment. I feel depressed lately as my life has just become a stay at home mom pretty much in a prison. But I put myself here ! I love my family and life but some days I'm so jealous of the people who get the weekends to themselves. I'd kill for a weekend by myself. But then I think I can't leave my kids what would they do without me. I'm sure they would be fine, well Natalie for sure I just need to get Robert off the boob then he would be fine. When I had Robert I would think I had the opposite of post pardum depression I felt so good. But now it's changed. I'm thinking its lack of sleep that's changed. Also Kevin left me alone with the kids for a whole month up here and the stress from that probably ruined my happiness. Well anyways he's back now so I'm going to make him watch the kids now while I get some naps. I need to get a hobby preferably a creative one but once again I need to have more energy from that. Ok enough with the thinking so much !! Today is beautiful and sunny out and this morning has been a pretty lazy one with me just taking care of the kids and tidying up a bit, I'm still in my pjs!! I'm lucky I get to stay home with my kids. Natalie just gave me a mini tea cup with water in it. She's currently playing with her little tea set. She had a poo today that was bright green so I'm taking that as a sign we will get lots of money this new year haha so gross . Robert has been good this morning. He ate some bananas and played. It's the year of the monkey so we're going to be eating lots of bananas for good luck 😜 Kevin was sending me links to trailers to buy, but they are in trailer parks. I don't really want to live in a trailer park, I'd rather have a trailer on a big property away from being so close to people. Neighbors can be annoying as I've learned around here. First day of 2016 not bad so far I'm feeling pretty good just need to get some Dahm sleep !!

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